Friday, July 15, 2011


   Betas or Siamese fighting fish have to be one of the most interesting things in Southeast Asia. They are pugnacious and beautiful at the same time. Owners of these beauties are known to put mirrors next to the aquarium just to see them puff and posture.
   But the true beauty of the Siamese fighting fish is their mating.
   As the smaller and dull colored female becomes ready for mating, the male approaches and rubs his body on hers. Then if he isn't chased off, he wraps his body around hers and squeezes the eggs out of her and fertilizes them. Then as the fertilized eggs fall to the bottom, he picks them up in his mouth one at a time. He takes each egg to the surface and blows a bubble around it. The resulting floating nest is cared for by the male until they hatch in a few days.
   If you want a lesson in the beauty of nature, buy a pair of Betas.

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   Stop in once in a while. I'll try to write something new and informative about "Brothers by Fire".   
Good Reading,

Cover Design and formatting by Covers Are Us

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